The project offers a centralised location for recycling and waste management services, which will include a Community Recycling Centre with:

  • a Reuse and Education building,
  • drop-off areas for hazardous household waste, recyclable materials, and bulk items, and
  • a two-level drop-off area for mixed waste.

The facility will also accept commercial waste.

The Materials Recovery Facility enables continued recyclable processing services for mixed recyclables. The Waste Management Facility consolidates residual waste kerbside collections and commercial operators into bulk-haulage vehicles for transport to Coolgardie Landfill.

The project aligns with the Waste Hierarchy, providing long-term and sustainable waste management options for the region, and a greener future for the community.

Stage 2 – FOGO and Organics Composting

The Shire is also progressing Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) with a composting facility to be located Myrup Waste Management Facility as a Stage 2 project.

A plan of the Myrup Waste Transfer Facility located on Myrup Road next to the Truck Wash